“The reunification of families should remain one of the foremost goals of immigration not only because it is a humane policy, but because bringing families back together contributes to the economic and social welfare of the United States. Society benefits from the reunification of immediate families, especially because family unity promotes the stability, health and productivity of family members.”

110th Congress, Hearing before the Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship, Refugees, Border Security, and International Law

Family-based green cards can be broadly grouped into two categories: immediate relatives of U.S. citizens and the family preference category. The immediate relative category does not have an annual limit, whereas family-sponsored preferences limit the available visas each year. The processing times vary significantly among family-sponsored preferences ranging from 1 year to more than 20 years.

Our goal is to get you through this process as quickly as possible by choosing the most efficient path to permanent resident status through adjustment of status or consular processing in the following categories:

Immediate Relatives (IR)

Spouses, unmarried children under age 21, and parents of U.S. Citizens

Family-Sponsored 1st Preference (F1)

Unmarried Sons and Daughters of U.S. Citizens

Family-Sponsored 2nd A Preference (F2A)

Spouses and Unmarried Children of Permanent Residents

Family-Sponsored 2nd B Preference (F2B)

Unmarried Sons and Daughters of Permanent Residents

Family-Sponsored 3rd Preference (F3)

Married Sons and Daughters of U.S. Citizens

Family-Sponsored 4th Preference (F4)

Brothers and Sisters of U.S. Citizens


Battered Spouses or Children of U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents


Widowed Spouses of U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents


Adopted Children of U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents

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